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Friday, March 20, 2009 - - 0 Comments

actually 2day i went for my Qti...don't asked me what are the meaning of the word....i even don't knwo it myself.......baka! thing that i know is that i pass mt PRE-test Jpj driving licence....hehehe..baik jugak uncle tu......terbelaga divider lah jugak masa do reverse keta kancil kontot tu.....tapi uncle tu bagi lulus...muhahaa...the power of kawaiiinesss..haha..aduh..perasaan lah pulak....

Aduhh.....habis satu masalah, muncul pulak yg baru.My violin just suddenly broke it string...stupid violin.....nak kena p tukaq lah plak..kuang asam sungguh....

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